With Toronto ground zero this weekend for a Mixed Martial Arts event (MMA 129, if you’re still counting), Canada’s first MMA magazine is set to launch right this month.
According to Masthead, MMA Guide is published by one Harry Rosen — the mens clothier, perhaps?
Among the first advertisers: Step into the octagon, Conservative Party of Canada — maybe.
A version of this ad is circulating online. It has a photo of a pair of MMA gloves hanging against a brick wall backdrop, under the slogan, “Never hang up your dream.” It also pumps the $500 fitness tax credit the Conservatives have promised to deliver, c. 2014-15.
It looks legitimate but its authenticity has yet to be determined. It is also unclear whether the ad, if authentic, was appearing in the magazine or on the affiliated website,
If real, targetting MMA Maniacs marks a significant departure from the Hockey Dads demographic that the Tories so aggressively court.
Ryan Sparrow, a Conservative spokesman, said he knew nothing of the ad. All the party’s advertising appears on its website and, besides, the Conservatives don’t really buy print advertising, he said.
Party spokesman Ryan Sparrow confirmed the ad is authentic.
The event is UFC 129, actually. MMA, or mixed martial arts, is the name of the sport. Ultimate Fighting Championship is the name of the leading organization that promotes MMA fights.