Liberal leadership fundraising: Maurizio cleans up, five years later

Alice Funke over at has done her usual nice job charting donations to the Liberal leadership campaigns to pay down debts left over since 2006.

Donations have, not surprisingly, fallen off dramatically since Stephane Dion won the leadership and then lost the election in 2008. This has left most of the contenders for the long-forgotten prize passing the hat to pay down their campaign debts.

Alice quite rightly notes that former Liberal MP Maurizio Bevilacqua did very well last year fundraising for his failed leadership bid. Curiously, this came as Bevilacqua quit federal politics to run for mayor of Vaughan, Ontario.

I created a Tableau Public visualization to show how different candidates have done fundraising over the past five years. Click on Bevilacqua’s name to see a rather different curve than all the others.

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